School Board Meeting 10/01/2024 at 3:30PM. Join us in person or tune in LIVE via Youtube here: #ProudtobePCSD
5 months ago, Putnam County School District
School Board Meeting
PCSD is working closely with Putnam County Emergency Management to monitor Hurricane Helene and its potential impact. Update as of 12:00PM, 9/25/24: All PCSD schools will be closed on Thursday, September 26th and Friday, September 27th. All extracurricular activities on these days are canceled. Extracurricular activities for today, Wednesday, September 25th, will continue as normal. The following general population shelters will open Wednesday, September 25th at 8:00PM: Ochwilla Elementary (pets), Browning-Pearce Elementary, and Middleton-Burney Elementary. Kelley Smith Elementary will open Wednesday, September 25th at 6:00PM for special needs only. We will update everyone as we get more information. Please stay informed by following updates from the Putnam County Emergency Management:, call center is open (386) 329-1904.
6 months ago, Putnam County School District
Hurricane Helene Update
PCSD is working closely with Putnam County Emergency Management to monitor Tropical Storm Helene and its potential impact as it is expected to develop into a hurricane. Update as of 3:00PM, 9/24/24: Tomorrow, September 25, all schools and after-school activities are in session. Thursday, September 26, all schools and after-school activities are cancelled. Kelley Smith Elementary School will be opened Wednesday evening for special needs only. Decisions about other shelters will be made Wednesday. We will update everyone as we get more information. Please stay informed by following updates from the Putnam County Emergency Management. Thank you!
6 months ago, Putnam County School District
PCSD schools will release 2 hours early tomorrow! View the early release schedule here: #ProudtobePCSD
6 months ago, Putnam County School District
2-Hour Early Release
The Pulse: PCSD Podcast Superintendent Rick Surrency discusses the new Putnam County Society of Future Engineers and Scientists club on this week's episode of The Pulse. Be sure to tune in weekly as we engage employees, students, and community members in topics surrounding education in Putnam County. Listen here: Watch here: #ProudtobePCSD
6 months ago, Putnam County School District
The Pulse: PCSD Podcast: NEW EPISODE!
School Board Meeting 09/17/2024 at 3:30PM. Join us in person or tune in LIVE via Youtube here: School Board Budget Meeting 09/17/2024 at 5:05PM. Join us in person or tune in LIVE via Youtube here: #ProudtobePCSD
6 months ago, Putnam County School District
School Board Meeting
STEP FORWARD: COLLEGE ACCESS CONFERENCE Date: September 30, 2024 Time: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Check-in and morning campus tour opens at 8AM Location: J. Wayne Reitz Union UF Campus, Gainesville, FL RSVP through QR Code Link on Flyer!
6 months ago, Putnam County School District
UF Step Forward: College Access Conference
PCSD has partnered with Health Hero to offer in-school vaccines to your child for NO COST. Consent forms were recently sent home with students. The flu vaccine clinic will be available Friday, October 4th. Health Hero makes immunizations available to every child to stop diseases like the flu in their tracks and reduce absenteeism in schools. Sign your child up and help us stop the flu in its tracks! #ProudtobePCSD
6 months ago, Putnam County School District
Flu Vaccine
🇲🇽🌎 National Hispanic Heritage Month is here! From September 15 to October 15, we celebrate the vibrant histories, cultures, and incredible contributions of Americans whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Join PCSD as we honor the Hispanic American champions who have enriched our schools, community, and society, inspiring others to achieve success. Together, let's recognize and celebrate the diversity that makes our district so special! 🎉📚🌟 #ProudtobePCSD
6 months ago, Putnam County School District
National Hispanic Heritage Month
FAFSA FRENZY Don’t let finances be a barrier! St. Johns River State College is hosting October information sessions to learn how to complete the FAFSA. And, learn more about SJR State Foundation scholarships! Monday, October 7 Palatka Campus - T Building 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 8 Orange Park Campus - Viking Center 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Thursday, October 10 St. Augustine Campus - H Building 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Last session begins at 6:30 p.m. For more information visit
6 months ago, Putnam County School District
FAFSA Frenzy
🚨 See Something. Say Something. 🚨 Social media threats can have serious consequences, and it’s up to all of us to keep our schools and community safe. Watch this important message from PCSD Superintendent, Rick Surrency, and PCSO Sheriff, Gator DeLoach, about what we can do to prevent and report threats. Let’s work together to protect our students! 🎥 : 📢 Please share to help spread the word!
6 months ago, Putnam County School District
School Threats
Today, Superintendent Surrency joined fellow county and city officials at the Palatka Riverfront to honor and remember the lives lost on September 11, 2001. We will never forget the courage, sacrifice, and resilience shown on that day and in the years since. #NeverForget
6 months ago, Putnam County School District
The Pulse: PCSD Podcast Superintendent Rick Surrency discusses PCSD's highly anticipated College & Career Night on this week's episode of The Pulse. Be sure to tune in weekly as we engage employees, students, and community members in topics surrounding education in Putnam County. Listen here: Watch here: #ProudtobePCSD
6 months ago, Putnam County School District
The Pulse: PCSD Podcast: NEW EPISODE!
Parent Workshop The purpose of the workshop is to help parents/families of 11th-12th students; however, anyone is welcome to attend! Friday, September 13th at 9:30AM C.L. Overturf, Jr. District Center (1100 South 18th St. Palatka, FL 32177)
6 months ago, Putnam County School District
Parent Workshop
Parent Workshop
The Pulse: PCSD Podcast Superintendent Rick Surrency interviews PCSD's High School Football coaches and discusses each teams upcoming season on this week's episode of The Pulse. Be sure to tune in weekly as we engage employees, students, and community members in topics surrounding education in Putnam County. Listen here: Watch here: #ProudtobePCSD
6 months ago, Putnam County School District
The Pulse: PCSD Podcast: NEW EPISODE!
PCSD Schools and District Offices will be closed on Monday, September 2nd, in honor of Labor Day. We will see everyone back on Tuesday, September 3rd! #ProudtobePCSD
6 months ago, Putnam County School District
Labor Day
It's that time of year again! If your business, industry, or post-secondary institution is interested in having a table at our 47th Annual College and Career Fair, please contact Amanda Burney at or 386-329-0536. We would love to have you represented at our fair!
7 months ago, Amanda Burney
Building Construction classes have gotten off to a great start at CCJSHS and IJSHS! This week CCJSHS students were learning about ladder safety. They were also learning about the ANSI and OSHA 10, the organizations that set and enforce ladder safety standards. At IJSHS, students completed a project revolving around strong building foundations and structure. You are not going to believe what they used: spaghetti and marshmallows! Students learned that the foundation of a structure bears the weight of the structure and ensures the structure remains stable. Weight must be distributed evenly. The students can design their structure as tall as they would like–but if their foundation is weak, the structure will collapse when shaken! For more great photos, click here:
7 months ago, Amanda Burney
The Pulse: PCSD Podcast Superintendent Rick Surrency sat down to discuss Mental Health with Sandy Hurst and Cindy David on this week's episode of The Pulse. Be sure to tune in weekly as we engage employees, students, and community members in topics surrounding education in Putnam County. Listen here: Watch here: #ProudtobePCSD
7 months ago, Putnam County School District
The Pulse: PCSD Podcast: NEW EPISODE!
School Board Meeting 08/20/2024 at 3:30PM. Join us in person or tune in LIVE via Youtube here: #ProudtobePCSD
7 months ago, Putnam County School District
School Board Meeting