Morning Announcements

Daily Announcements

Good Morning Q. I. Roberts Knights!  We are so glad that you are here and at school on time today!  Today is Friday, October 13, 2023

At this time please stand for the pledge to the flag:  Ready pledge…

I pledge allegiance to the flag,

of the United States of America,

and to the Republic, for which it stands, One Nation under God, 

indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Please remain standing for a moment of silent meditation. (Pause for 60 seconds)  Thank you; you may be seated.


Happy birthday today to  Peyton Baker, Kayden Gann

Saturday to Kaden Hill and Sunday to Jordan McCullough and Gracelynn Mutter 


  • Teachers and Students we are on the activity bell schedule.   

  • Ice Coffee:  You don’t have to stop for ICE COFFEE you can get it here in the Media Center.  

  • Shoe boxes of all sizes are needed, please bring them to the Media Center.  Angel box items are needed please bring in these items: socks, toothpaste & brushes, wash cloths, coloring books, pens, pencils, markers and hygiene/recreational supplies.

  • Boo candy grams are on sale in the Media Center.

  •  Today is the End of 1st quarter!!  

  •  Today is the Parade, Pep Rally and tonight is the Middle School  Dance.

  • Saturday is the High School Dance.

  • The Band plays in  Fleming Island on Saturday.

  • Moultrie field trip is October 18th.  

Breakfast - Please put the folder and box outside your door by 9:20.  

Students - Please check your email.  

Teachers - At this time please complete your attendance. 

Through word and deed, quality, integrity, respect, and 

mutual accountability, have a wonderful day, KNIGHTS!