Daily Announcements

Good Morning Q I Roberts Knights!

We are so glad that you are here and at school on time today!   Today is Monday, August 21, 2023 

At this time please stand for the pledge to the flag:

I pledge allegiance to the flag,

of the United States of America,

and to the Republic, for which it stands,

One Nation under God, 

indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Please remain standing for a moment of silent meditation. (Pause for 5 seconds)  Thank you; you may be seated.


Happy Belated Birthday to Mr. Bergen, his birthday was Sunday.  

Today:  Allison Darby and Sophia Harvey                                  


  • Students attend all classes today. 1st - 7th periods.

  • NHS OFFICERS ONLY will meet on Monday, August 21st,  during 1st half of power hour and the WHOLE CHAPTER will meet on Tuesday, August 22nd,  during first half of power hour.

  • Blood Drive Sign Ups during PowerHour today.

Breakfast - Just a reminder. Before you place the boxes outside to be collected, please empty them completely. There needs to be no food, juice or milk left inside the container.  Please put the folder and box outside your door by 9:20.

Teachers - At this time please complete your attendance. 

Through word and deed, quality, integrity, respect, and Mutual Accountability, have a wonderful day, KNIGHTS!