Sentina Shordi… there are so many things to appreciate about Sentina! She is kind, cheerful and respectful. She is also a diligent student. Sentina works incredibly hard to truly understand all that is being taught. She asks excellent questions, she uses strategies and notes when needed, she thoughtfully works through each question and problem. With this amazing attitude toward her learning Sentina will continue to shine successfully! Love, Mrs.Fuller
over 2 years ago, Melrose Elementary
Jayla Hill is a Terrific Kid because she is always here, works hard and gives her all with everything she does. She is one of the first to always make her a AR goal and the 15 point club! Jayla, you are terrific! Love, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Johnston, and Mrs. Mixon
over 2 years ago, Melrose Elementary
Tyler Baker is this month's Terrific Kid because he takes it upon himself to finish task quickly and correctly. He ALWAYS takes advantage of test corrections, even if he's made an A! You are terrific, Tyler! Love Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Johnston, and Mrs. Mixon
over 2 years ago, Melrose Elementary
Kyleigh Keough is our Terrific Kid for the month of April. Kyleigh enters our classroom every day with a smile and is ready to learn. She sets a fine example for everyone in our class. She is a respectful and responsible student. I can always count on Kyleigh to be a helper because she is so responsible. She enjoys class activities and is on top of her school work. Keep up the excellent work, Kyleigh! We are proud of you. Love, Mrs. Coates and class
over 2 years ago, Melrose Elementary
Isabella Romano is our Terrific Kid this month. She draws math illustrations like an artist! She takes her time! She goes back and checks her work! Even when she does something wrong she fixes it with a grown up attitude. What a joy to have in class! Our Isabella sure is a Terrific Kid!
over 2 years ago, Melrose Elementary
I would like to nominate Shayna Rumphohl-Worth for Terrific Kid because she consistently shows her responsible and caring nature in our classroom. When we got a new student, she took it upon herself to help him learn our daily routine and be a friendly new face. I can always count on her to persevere, to overcome challenges, make good decisions and go above what is expected of her. Thank you for being a great example in our classroom, Shayna!
over 2 years ago, Melrose Elementary
Olivia Parker is our Terrific Kid for this month. This month's word is responsibility and I couldn't think of a better person to represent our class for it. She is always prepared for the day and comes to school ready to learn. She always does the right thing even if no one is watching. She accepts responsibility for her actions and doesn't blame others. She is honest and fair with everything she is involved in. Keep reaching for the stars Olivia! lo next clamation love Mrs. Harvin and class!
over 2 years ago, Melrose Elementary
Khloe Wallace is our Terrific Kid. Khloe works hard in class and encourages her friends to do the same. We are all so thankful that she is in our class this year. Love, Mrs. Hess' Class.
over 2 years ago, Melrose Elementary
Congratulations to all of our students who were chosen as a Melrose Mustang Upstanders. These students go out of their way to stand up for others, help their friends and peers, and are just great students!
over 2 years ago, Melrose Elementary
The Florida Heiken Mobile Eyecare Unit will be in Putnam County May 9-13, 2022, offering comprehensive eye exams and glasses to students who qualify. For your child to participate in this NO COST program, please apply online at by April 15, 2022.
almost 3 years ago, Putnam County School District
Mobile Eyecare Information
2022 PCSD Graduation Dates Announced!
almost 3 years ago, Putnam County School District
2022 Graduation Dates
Makayla Baker is a great example of a good, caring friend. She looks out for her friends and classmates. Not only does she care for other people, she cares that her work is completed correctly and on time. You are Terrific! Love, Mrs. Johnston, Ms. Johnson, and Mrs. Mixon
almost 3 years ago, Melrose Elementary
Jillian Huntley is a prime example of a caring student. She demonstrates it all day, every day. She is patient and kind with her teammates and is always willing to explain a concept if they are struggling. As teachers, this is what we strive for with all of our students. You are Terrific! Love, Mrs. Johnston, Ms. Johnson, and Mrs. Mixon
almost 3 years ago, Melrose Elementary
Aquilla Crawford greets us with a big hug and smile everyday. She cares about her classmates because she treats everyone fairly and kindly. Her caring and kindness should be an example for us all. You are terrific, Kiki! Love, Mrs. Johnston, Ms. Johnson, and Mrs. Mixon
almost 3 years ago, Melrose Elementary
I would love to nominate AJ Crawford for TerrificKid. AJ has the biggest heart and is such an amazing friend to every student in our class. He is always giving hugs and always has a smile on his face. I am so proud of AJ's hard work and consistent politeness. Keep up the terrific work. Love, Ms. Meyer
almost 3 years ago, Melrose Elementary
Skylar Totorico is a careful student who thinks before he speaks (most of the time! ) and shows that he cares about how his words, as well as others, can make people feel. Skylar is also careful and respectful of our classroom space and our shared supplies. Thank you for conducting yourself with great care every day Skylar, keep it up!
almost 3 years ago, Melrose Elementary
My Terrific Kid is Keylynn Morris. Keylynn is always one of the first students to help her classmates when she sees that they are struggling. She is so patient, never making any of her peers embarrassed to ask a question. She is a fantastic friend to her classmates and a joy to have in the classroom. Keep up the good work Keylynn! Love, Mrs. Dykes
almost 3 years ago, Melrose Elementary
Summer Harper has been impressing us in so many ways. Her participation in class, to include helping her peers understand the content, has been phenomenal. She has been focused on her academics and has displayed leadership skills by handling situations in a mature manner. She is making it her priority to be at school, to learn what is being taught and to be friendly with everyone around her. We couldn't ask for more. We love you, Summer... .Mrs. Siebert, Mrs. Fuller, and Ms. Railing
almost 3 years ago, Melrose Elementary
Stevonn Stacey has shown himself to be a kind young man and a conscientious student. He has also emerged as a leader amongst his peers. He is well respected by his classmates because of his calm demeanor, his quick thinking and his ability to lead in a way that inspires those around him to give their best effort. Keep up the great work Stevonn!
almost 3 years ago, Melrose Elementary
Maci Charron is our Terrific Kid for the month of February. She's a respectful and responsible student. She enjoys our class activities and is on top of her school work. She sets a fine example for our class with her behavior and work habits. Keep up the great work, Maci! We are proud of you!
almost 3 years ago, Melrose Elementary