We all know practice makes perfect and math is no exception. Paper Missions is a fun contest for students in grades 7-12 to practice their math skills during spare time. The top 10 students from the high school with the most completed Paper Missions between February 27-March 12 will win a box full of Paper swag. Log in to Paper through Clever and click on the Practice math games with Paper Missions icon!
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
Paper Mission
All PCSD Schools will release 2 hours early today! Click here to view the early release schedule. View the early release schedule here: http://bit.ly/3x4JfcY #ProudtobePCSD
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
2-Hour Early Release
Students and adults from across PCSD will be joined by community leaders to celebrate and honor Black History in Putnam County! Watch the event live at https://youtube.com/live/YnjNPz0C8kw #ProudtobePCSD
about 2 years ago, Emily Griner
Black History Celebration
Melody Brillhart, from Interlachen Jr.-Sr. High has been chosen as a PAPER Student Ambassador! Visit our PCSD PAPER webpage to learn more about how Melody used PAPER to help her in Science and Math class! #ProudtobePCSD https://bit.ly/PCSDPAPERTUTORING
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
Today is School Bus Driver Appreciation Day! Thank you to all drivers for all you do in safely transporting our students! #ProudtobePCSD
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Happy Presidents Day from PCSD! Today we honor those who have served as President of the United States. Enjoy your holiday, and we will see you on Tuesday! #ProudtobePCSD
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
PCSD Presidents Day
Tune in LIVE to our School Board Meeting 2/14/2023 at 3:30PM https://youtube.com/live/vTtgc7RLXoY
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
February PIDAC Meeting will be 2/15/2023 at 10:00AM! Parents, families, and community members are encouraged to attend! We would love your participation and input!
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
Florida Prepaid Enrollment is now open! Learn more about the most affordable way to save for college with inflation proof prepaid tuition plans by visiting http://bit.ly/3XySOfM #ProudtobePCSD #FloridaPrepaid
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
FL Prepaid
Autism Parent Support Group Meeting at Mellon Learning Center on February 9th 2023 In the Media Center At 6:00 PM.
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
February 18th, 2023 at the Oaks Country Club in Crescent City. Come have a slice of fun and get hooked with the Palatka Band Alliance! Your just a chip shot away from a great day! Event Registration: https://bit.ly/3kThDEL
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
Palatka Band Alliance
Have you ever wondered what teachers do after students leave on Early Release days? They learn! Teachers at Palatka Jr.-Sr. High School, Crescent City Jr.-Sr. High School, and Interlachen Jr.-Sr. High School spent Tuesday afternoon learning about AVID and WICOR! The best part of this professional development? Teachers were teaching teachers, sharing ideas, and collaborating on steps to move forward. Teachers were enthusiastic, open-minded, and excited to learn how to energize their classrooms with WICOR. IJSHS even had a special message for their teachers from a former AVID student. It was an amazing afternoon! #ProudtobePCSD
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development
Professional Development
Congratulations to our 54th Annual Spelling Bee Champion Jillian Huntley, a 5th grader at Melrose Elementary School! She will go on to represent our district at the Annual First Coast Regional Spelling Bee. Congratulations! Click here for more information http://bit.ly/3R4SR0m
about 2 years ago, Emily Griner
Spelling Bee Winner
Buzz back tomorrow to see our 54th Annual PCSD Spelling Bee Winner!
about 2 years ago, Emily Griner
54th Annual PCSD Spelling Bee
Jasmine Mayes and Robyn Mayes from Putnam Virtual School have been chosen as PAPER Student Ambassadors! Visit our PCSD PAPER webpage to learn more about how they have used PAPER to help them in all of their classes! #ProudtobePCSD https://bit.ly/PCSDPAPERTUTORING
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
We are so PROUD to announce our... PCSD 2023 Teacher of the Year: Katrina Feola, Crescent City Jr.-Sr. High School! PCSD 2023 School Related Employee of the Year: Ashley Cassels, Ochwilla Elementary School! and PCSD 2023 (Department-Based) School Related Employee of the Year: Administrative District Office, Stacey Owens! Congratulations! #ProudtobePCSD
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
2023 PCSD Employees of the Year
Schools and District Offices are closed on January 16, 2023 in celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. #ProudtobePCSD
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
Get to know the voices that represent our districts student body! These students advise the superintendent and discuss how decisions made at the district level affect students throughout PCSD. http://bit.ly/3GtK03q
about 2 years ago, Emily Griner
SSAC Members
R.A.I.S.E. High School Tutoring Reading Achievement Initiative for Scholastic Excellence Junior and Senior Students -3.0 cumulative GPA or higher -On track to graduate on time (this includes passing Math and ELA testing) -No history of Out of School Suspension Interested in helping select students with reading difficulties in grades K-3 improve literacy skills? Earn an elective credit towards high school graduation AND volunteer service hours toward the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program! Tutoring must occur during the elementary school day. Transportation not provided. Students interested should contact: PJSHS - Kaley Renner IJSHS - Kim Parcher CCJSHS - Pam Brown QIJSHS - Kari Hodges #ProudtobePCSD
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
RAISE Tutoring
The Putnam County School District's Superintendent's Student Advisory Council is a group of students in grades 7-12 who act as liaisons between the Superintendent and the students of Putnam County. They discuss decisions made at the district level and how those are affecting students throughout PCSD. We are proud of these students, their voices, opinions, willingness to engage on such a personal level with our Superintendent. #ProudtobePCSD
about 2 years ago, Putnam County School District
2022-2023 SSAC