Mental Health Awareness Contest Winners & Supporters

Stephanie Wellon, Coordinator of Mental Health for Putnam County School District, would like to recognize the winners of the Mental Health Awareness Month. They sponsored a poster and essay contest during the month of May, to promote the awareness of mental health. The goal of Mental Health Awareness Month, is to reduce the stigma of mental health issues, through education, information and knowledge, so that both adults and children are able to receive the support they need.  Special thanks and recognition to our partner Randall Hedstrom for his contributions to our contest. Special Thanks to, Nokia Washington, a school counselor who donated hundreds of dollars selling her Paparazzi Jewelry. Jennifer Wright- Purifoy who donated her time, and Virginia Soloman who is a STEM instructor at James A. Long. She had her students submit over 400 posters about mental health.
Winners of the Essay Contest: Veronica Shorter, first place and Jaiden Williamson second place

Pictured: Holly Pickens, Jaiden Williamson, Virginia Soloman, Jennifer Wright-Purifoy, Stephanie Wellon, and Randy Hedstrom