Teaching Certification
Out of Field Teachers
The following teachers have been assigned to teach "out of field" for one or more periods of the school day for the 2023-2024 school year:
New Certification
FLDOE Initial Online Application
Anyone who holds a bachelor or higher degree from an accredited institution may apply, take and pass any of the academic subject area exams for issuance of a three year temporary educator certificate in the specific subject. A passing score on the subject area test should be obtained before employment.
Renew Current Certification
Print and complete the Professional Certification Renewal Form
Confirm all workshop points with Susanne Lineberger in the Department of Instruction and Curriculum.
Submit payment:
Online: Go to RevTrak (You will need to login or create an account if you do not have one)
Cash or check: Send the summary of application form and exact cash or a $75 check payable to Putnam County School District to Kristin Carroll in the Human Resources Department.

Pass the Subject Area Exam or complete the endorsement coursework through the Staff Development Department.
Print and complete the District Add-On Application
Send the summary of application form and a $75 check payable to Putnam County School District to Kristin Carroll in the Human Resources Department.

For all PCSD Non-Instructional Employees and all coaches NOT employed by PCSD
Complete all three Coaching Courses online through NEFEC
Complete the First Aid course offered each year through our Staff Development Department.

Many of our teachers qualify for "loan forgiveness" through the
United States Department of Education, after 5 years of service.
Teacher Loan Forgiveness
1.866.831.5564 or visit isloansolutions.com

Designed to meet the requirements on your DOE Statement of Eligibility.
Designed to allow you to work while attending classes. Great for our Parapro employees!
Allows a busy teacher to recertify quickly at a reasonable price!

Student Teaching/Interns
Please contact Kristin Carroll for information.
386-329-0547 extension 1402
Certification Questions: Kristin Carroll
386.329.0547 or humanresources@my.putnamschools.org
Workshop or Inservice Points Questions: