PCSD Department of Teaching and Learning

Teaching & Learning Links
Professional Development Links
Reading Endorsement and K12 Reading Certificate
Introducing the New Multisensory Inservice Requirement
Professional Learning and Growth
PCSD District-wide Learning Communities
ESOL Information
List of courses as well as a chart with number of ESOL required points for the course you teach.
UNF Expert Systems for Teachers Series Information
Courses to better prepare teachers for new assignments.
PCSD Department of Teaching and Learning Vision
We share a collective responsibility to engage in continuous professional learning and growth so that we are equipped with the knowledge, skills, abilities, and dispositions needed to prepare our students for success in college, career, and life.
PCSD Department of Teaching and Learning Mission
The mission of the Department of Teaching and Learning is to provide a student and data-centered, safe and caring environment for adult learners that maximizes the probability that students will be impacted by our new learning. We aim to promote and celebrate professional excellence, honor our diversity, and provide learning designs and implementation structures to build on our collective strength by encouraging the sharing of our unique experiences, skills, and abilities. We celebrate both adult and student learning and strive to equip all staff with the knowledge and tools needed to achieve their full potential within our school district.
Meet Our Department of Teaching and Learning Team
Jennifer Azula
Director of Teaching and Learning
Susanne Lineberger
Secretary of Teaching and Learning
Instructional Coaches
Asia Kellner
District Elementary Mathematics Coach
Chris Delucca
District Secondary Mathematics Coach
Kerry Paul
District Science/Social Studies Coach
Laura Yeomans
District Elementary Literacy Coach: JAL, MES, MLC
Audra Emerson
District Elementary Literacy Coach: OES, KSES
Dr. Kristin Hudson
District Secondary Literacy Coach
Amber Hutcheson
District Elementary Literacy Coach: MBES
Kim Baggs
District Supporter: Intensive Reading, R.A.I.S.E. Tutoring, NWRI
Lara Shettel
District Elementary Literacy Coach: BPES, MLC
Michelle Wilds
District Elementary Literacy Coach: MOS, JES