PCSD Science

The Putnam County School District aims to create innovative problem-solvers. We strive to embed the skills and strategies daily that enable students to acquire a deep understanding of the world around them. Our instruction focuses not only on concepts, theories, principles, facts, and laws, but also focuses on the critical processes of science. Our students engage daily in observing, comparing and contrasting, hypothesizing, inferring, interpreting data, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. Our science curriculum aligns with the FLDOE Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for Science.
Our incredible 5th, 8th grade, and Biology educators are supported through a variety of PCSD Science Learning Communities. In this professional learning series, we work collaboratively to learn new concepts, instructional practices and strategies, design lessons, create aligned tasks for students and teams, and provide each other with collegial feedback.
To access grade level PCSD Year at a Glance documents for CORE Sciene courses, please select THIS link.
To access PCSD’s new curriculum for CORE science courses, please visit the sites below.
K-5 Science:
Grade K-5
Username: Science_FLK5
Password: Student1st
Grade 6-12
Username: Science_FLMSHS
Password: Student1st