Risk Management, Worker's Compensation, Retirement, Accidents, Safe School Compliance
Email: dcrowley@my.putnamschools.org
Phone: 386-312-4933
Risk Management, Worker's Compensation, Retirement, Accidents, Safe School Compliance
Email: dcrowley@my.putnamschools.org
Phone: 386-312-4933
As a newly hired employee, you may be eligible for retirement benefits. Florida Retirement System currently provides three options for retirement benefits for eligible employees.
Employees who retire from the Putnam County School District are welcome to remain on the group health, dental/vision, and life insurance. *Retirees are financially responsible for the full monthly premium.
Retirees who are age 65 are eligible for Medicare; Medicare is divided into separate parts: Medicare A (hospitalization), Part B (physicians), and Part D (prescription coverage). These three (3) components together will safely replace the school board’s group health insurance plan.
The Florida Retirement System (FRS) provides qualified retirees a Health Insurance Subsidy (H.I.S). The H.I.S paperwork is sent to new retirees around the time their first retirement check is received.
PMA Management, TPA
Putnam County School District's third-party administrator
Express Urgent Care Center (formerly MedEx)
6500 Crill Avenue
Palatka, FL 32177
It is your responsibility to notify your supervisor immediately of any workplace injury.
Communicate with Supervisors, Adjusters, Physicians, and the Risk Management Coordinator in Human Resources.
Risk Management must have received the “First Report of Injury” prior to the receipt of the completed leave of absence form for in-line-of-duty ("ILOD") leave to be approved.
ILOD may be up to a maximum of ten (10) days within any fiscal year. A doctor’s statement with specific dates and a copy of the First Report of Injury must be attached to the request for leave.
The ten (10) days of ILOD leave are applicable only to the fiscal year in which the illness or injury occurs.
The term "injury" is defined as the result of an event, which causes an employee to suffer an initial injury, a re-injury, or an aggravation of an injury for which the employee had previously been granted injury in line-of-duty leave.
You must also notify Human Resources upon return to work. This is critical for uninterrupted pay status.
Treatment received outside the workers’ compensation managed care arrangement is not compensable, regardless of the purpose of the treatment, including, but not limited to, evaluations, examinations, or diagnostic studies to determine causation between medical findings and a compensable accident, the existence or extent of impairments or disabilities, and whether the injured employee has reached maximum medical improvement, unless authorized by the carrier prior to the treatment date.