What is PIDAC?
PIDAC, or Parent Involvement District Advisory Counsel is a requirement of every Title I school. PIDAC meetings occur throughout the school year and ensure the effective involvement of parents, teachers, principals, and administrators in planning, reviewing, and implementing Title I programs.
Through PIDAC, a variety of documents are created to positively impact student achievement:
Comprehensive Needs Assesment
The purpose of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment is too ensure that a school’s comprehensive plan best serves the need of those children who are failing, or are at-risk of failing. A Comprehensive Needs Assessment provides steps to help get these students back on track to meeting the challenging State academic standards.
School Wide Improvement Plan
The Schoolwide Improvement Plan is a comprehensive plan developed by the involvement of parents, teachers, principals, school leaders, paraprofessionals, and administrators that documents goals, strategies, and action steps that aim to improve the quality of education students receive. Each plan is unique, and personalized the needs and goals of each school.
Parent and Family Engagement Plan
The purpose of the Parent and Family Engagement Plan is to provide our parents and families with the appropriate tools to help them become involved in their child’s learning. This plan, works jointly with parents and families to develop a plan for activities and workshops that support the high quality instruction needed to support academic success.
Parent-Teacher-Student Compact
The purpose of the Parent-Teacher-Student Compact is to jointly develop a document that outlines how parents, school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improving student academic achievement.