Human Resources is Monday through Friday, except on holidays.
7:45 am to 4:30 pm
Summer hours are 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. We are closed on Fridays during summer break.
Phone (386) 329-0547
Fax (386) 329-0655

Thank you for deciding to join us!
No matter what position you are in or the title you have, you are an important part of the Putnam County School District family and our focus is always our students. When we work together to accomplish our mission, achieve our goals and let our values become our standard for action, we can be assured that we are making a positive difference in the lives of our students.
Here's what to expect during the onboarding process:

Fingerprinting and background checks are processed by
If you accept an offer of employment, fingerprinting will be required. A background search will be made by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Wait for an email from or with your specific code.

Review District Policies and information pertaining to:

These pages will be signed electronically and will become part of your personnel record.
Please do not fill these out until you have been offered a position.
This is not an application for employment.
The following forms are used to verify previous experience. It is the responsibility of the employee to have their experience verified by sending the appropriate form to their previous employer in a timely manner. After Human Resouces has received the completed form(s) back, your request will be reviewed. If approved, your salary will be adjusted and you will receive retroactive pay.
If you are not able to access or print these forms, copies are available in the Human Resources office.

This appointment is to process the new hire paperwork, enroll in direct deposit or receive a rapid! PayCard®, review insurance benefits, receive your credentials and determine your start date. You can expect it to take approximately one hour.
You will need the following items:
Driver's License or State Issued ID card (original, not a copy, must not be expired)
Social Security Card (original, not a copy)
Completed New Hire Paperwork in Droplet
Your routing and account number information or a voided check
Transcripts (if applicable)
Please wait for an email invitation to set up a time for onboarding.

If you do not have your Social Security card, you may apply for a replacement card here:
or locate the nearest Social Security Office:

Putnam County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, marital status, age, national origin, or disability. Discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, disability, sex, age, marital status, or parental status is prohibited in the recruitment, hiring, assigning, promotion, paying, demoting, or dismissal of employees of the Putnam County School District. Employment of personnel for Putnam County School District is in compliance with Federal and State Laws regarding nondiscrimination and preference. Applicants/individuals with disabilities requesting accommodations during the application, testing, or interview process under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may call the District's Human Resources office at 386.329.0547 for assistance.