![Attend & Achieve](https://cmsv2-assets.apptegy.net/uploads/4962/file/2242615/76fb78fe-d84d-43c3-ae92-25cfc15ae4fa.png)
Attend & Achieve!
Showing up for school has a huge impact on a student’s academic success starting in kindergarten and continuing through high school. Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school safely every day and understand why attendance is so important for success in school and on the job.
Putnam County School District commits to working with our families to ensure students have every opportunity for success. Attendance is the first way to ensure this success. Please find below the School Board Policy highlights related to attendance.
PCSD School Board Policy 5200: Attendance
Daily attendance notifications are sent by voice call, email, and text to the guardians listed in a students' Skyward student profile. A notification is sent for both an absence and a tardy.
![Attendance Check](https://cmsv2-assets.apptegy.net/uploads/4962/file/2242755/f9974b30-8bc6-42da-8433-78a3b0b97fe4.png)
What can you do?
Prioritize School Attendance
Emphasize the significance of attending school daily and establish this as the norm.
Assist your child in adhering to daily routines, completing homework, and getting sufficient rest.
Plan dental and medical appointments outside of school hours whenever possible.
Reserve staying home for genuine illnesses; complaints like headaches or stomachaches might signal underlying anxiety.
Support Your Student
Determine if your child is actively engaged in their classes and feels secure from bullies and other potential threats. Address behavioral issues and school discipline matters if they arise.
Stay informed about academic progress and be ready to seek assistance from teachers or tutors as needed. Keep lines of communication with teachers open.
Stay attuned to your child's social interactions. Peer pressure can contribute to absenteeism, and students with limited friendships might experience isolation.
Encourage meaningful afterschool engagements, including sports and clubs.
Open Communication with the School
Familiarize yourself with the school's attendance policy, understanding both incentives and consequences.
Initiate conversations with teachers if you observe abrupt behavioral changes, as these might indicate underlying issues at school.
Regularly monitor your child's attendance records to prevent accumulating absences.
Reach out for assistance to school authorities, afterschool programs, fellow parents, or community organizations if you encounter difficulties in ensuring your child's attendance.
Together, we can enhance school attendance, boost engagement, and pave the way for your child's academic success and future accomplishments!